Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teenage Pregnancy Continues to be ignored

Did you know that North Carolina has the eighth worse teenage pregnancy rate in the United States? Did you know that Guilford County's rate is worse than North Carolina's? Why are we ignoring this huge issue? Three teenagers get pregnant in Guilford County each day. Two of these deliver babies. Lives are being altered forever. Why can we not, as a community, address this situation.


  1. Addressing this issue takes community involvement, especially parents. Societal norms about sexuality have changed and parents have to stay actively involved and engaged. Abstinence-only education is not the solution, we must all educated our future generations to understand the ramifications of being sexually active. Promiscuity not only presents the risk of teenage pregnancy but also the risk of STI's and HIV/AIDS by having 'any' including oral sex. I find it alarming that a majority of students think having oral sex is safe and not same as having sex. SEX is SEX! Protect yourselves...period!!

  2. Thanks luckygaze for your interest. Any type of intimate behavior with another is SEX and any type of sex carries risks. Pregnancy, STI's, HIV/AIDS, along with defamation of name and character are all chances taken with sex.
    Always use protection. Parents get involved. Your children have normal hormone development occuring that prompts them to sexual interest.
    Talk with your children, early and often, regarding sexuality. Don't preach, talk. Sex is a normal part of life. Treat it as such.
