Wednesday, September 30, 2009


What would get your attention? What would make you realize adolesecent pregnancy rates in Guilford County are deplorable? What would make you use birth control... correctly? What would it take to get you to seek long-term birth control? What will it take to make you realize babies are easy to make -- it does not take a man or a woman. We have had a nine year old get pregnant in Guilford County. She was not a woman. Making a baby does not make you a woman or a man. Raising that child makes you a mother or father ... not producing it. Anyone who has gone through puberty can make a child.. being responsible and using birth control or not even having sex makes you appear mature. Don't ruin your life with any unplanned pregnancy.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Social media -Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc.

On October 15th, 2009, GCAPP will sponsor a parent training concerning the topic of social media. Crystal Overcash, Detective with the Sheriff's Department Internet Crime Unit, will present on the topic of "Why we should be concerned about Social Media." The event will be held at Congregational United Church of Christ, 400 Radiance Drive, Greensboro. We will start at 5:30 with dinner (must RSVP at 274-2217or and the program begins at 6:00pm. Come join us and learn about all aspects of social media and how your children can be targeted by predators.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Upcoming Conference

I would urge anyone interested in adolescent pregnancy prevention to attend the GCAPP conference on October 22nd at UNCG Elliott Center. This is a great opportunity to experience excellent speakers at very low cost. GCAPP wants to get information out to the community and State at a nominal rate during these tough economic times. Details on this conference can be found on our website: Scan down the home page and you will find the conference listed under special events. Click on the conference date and you can get details of the speakers, sessions, etc.