Wednesday, July 29, 2009


What do girls think about when they send, to their boyfriends via the internet, pictures of their semi-nude body? Do they really believe that this boyfriend will be their lover, partner, soul-mate for life.... when they are currently sixteen???
What happens when the break-up occurs? Is he going to keep that picture private for eternity? Think before you push send --- your life can be forever altered by a technology mistake of your youthful years.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Teenage Pregnancy Continues to be ignored

Did you know that North Carolina has the eighth worse teenage pregnancy rate in the United States? Did you know that Guilford County's rate is worse than North Carolina's? Why are we ignoring this huge issue? Three teenagers get pregnant in Guilford County each day. Two of these deliver babies. Lives are being altered forever. Why can we not, as a community, address this situation.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Why can we not as a nation embrace the fact that sexuality is a normal function, a right of passage and an act pursued by virtually all teenagers? Let's address the topic, embrace it, debate it but accept that it is a normal human function. Parents, talk about sex, sexuality and parenthood with your children. Teach them your values and morals but do not be afraid for them to receive additional knowledge in the classrooms of the public schools. Let's work together to help reduce teen pregnancy. Get involved.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


GCAPP has made some positive changes to our website. Go online and see if you can find them?
Also, please note that our November 17th networking meeting has now become our second membership meeting for the year. We are searching for a meeting place. Have you got any ideas?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Great News

Great News!! Fox 8 did a great story about our community ally "College Bound Sisters". Find information about this great story at:,2933,529037,00.html.

Additionally, I have been informed of a website that informs us of pregnant/parenting teen needs and issues - as well as many other health topics. This can be found at:

Check these out!!
SEX- Do you find this word offensive? Evidently the Greensboro Grasshoppers' mangement does. The Guilford Coalition on Adolescent Pregnancy co-sponsored a ball game on Father's Day, June 21, 2009. As part of the sponsorship, we were allowed some public service announcement opportunities - three verbal and three visual (on the scoreboard). One of our verbal announcements said, "Talk with your children about sex.... everyone else does." The Grasshopper management said, and I quote "we are a little hesitant to use the word “sex” during our games. Would it be okay to alter that to say “talk to your kids about pregnancy prevention”?

I objected to the change because the message was not meant to imply only pregnancy prevention but disease prevention, loss of reputation, etc. The Greensboro Grasshoppers' Management decided that saying the word "sex" out loud was just too precocious for ball park attendees. Do they watch TV especially ABC Family TV?

This is what is wrong with our society. We throw constant sexual messages at our children which are filled with falsehoods but refuse to educate them. No wonder teenage pregnancy rates are soaring in this country!